
Old-Celtic Language Remains in Austria

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Non-Mediterranean Names of Noricum (NNN)

The data for the database of ''Non-Mediterranean Names of Noricum'' (NNN) was collected in 2011 by Cornelia Kleiber, Dieter Reinisch and Tanja Trausmuth; Mag. Corinna Scheungraber made the linguistic analysis and comments. Prof. David Stifter was the director and editor. The new, up-to-date readings of the inscriptions were made available to us by the kind permission of the team of the Project CIL III2 at the Department of Old History and Classical Studies, Epigraphics and Papyrology at the University of Vienna. Our heartfelt thank goes especially to Prof. Ekkehard Weber, Dr. Ingrid Weber-Hiden, Mag. Marita Holzner.

Last edit: Mon, 20.06.2022, 00:17:15
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